Monday, March 1, 2021

The Process Overview (Part 1)

process is a series or set of activities that interact to produce a result; it may occur once-only or it can be recurrent or periodic.

Everything is a process or it's part of a process. Examples:

  1. Process of conception 
  2. Process of pregnancy
  3. Process of birth
  4. Process of living life

Everything in existence, is a result of the creation process. The creation process is designed by God. The re-creation process is built into the original process of creation. Everything reproduces after its own kind. Nothing is excluded from the process. 

John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, the Word was with God and the Word was God.
John 1:14 the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory

In the design stages: God was creating a masterpiece from within his own mind and his imagination. 

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

The place we call home was created in the beginning. It does not indicate how long the earth and the heavens were here before God actually began to apply the creation of life forms. It just says that he created the heavens and the earth in the beginning. 

God created and designed everything in the earth to be self-sustaining in the process of his design. God did not design consumers until he had prepared the consumables. He made a garden, he created plant life, he created dryland and wetland for the garden to grow and reproduce. He put food resources here first, then he added the heat lamp called the sun. The moon and the stars. They were put here in the order of the process as God grew and developed things. 

The last part of God's plan was the creation of his humanity. Mankind or humans were the last of the creation and they were given full dominion over all other things created prior to their arrival.

The reason we were brought lastly was we would have interfered with the process of creation. Things had to be according to God's plan for it to continue throughout time.

The process in the process. 

We were always part of the process, however, if God did not refrain from putting us here first, it would've all failed before it ever started.

Our existence is a direct and purposeful manifestation as we were derived from the first man and the first woman. Every human being on the planet stems from the stem cells of Eve's womb and every human being is a direct descendant from the loins of Adam. The purpose was; God created himself a free people with a choice and liberties to know and understand who he is. That is where we failed. We allowed the devil to come into humanity through pride and deception.

We were created in the image and the likeness of God. That is why we never die; yet we die. We are going to live forever in one place or the other. The death that we usually refer to, is the death of our bodies. The second death is eternal and spiritual death to be separated from God endlessly forever. We were never created to die or be separated from God. It was not part of his original plan but it was built into the process of Choice, reasoning and freethinking.

If you study Scripture; God introduced light into the earth on the first day. The light created on the first day, was the light of God or Christ Jesus Christ. God did not create the sun and the moon and the stars until the fourth day. So the original light of the world was always there first. Jesus is the light of the world. The sun the moon and the stars are part of the process of life and regeneration according to the creation process.

Our life is a process. 

Our life did not begin when we were born. Our life actually began in the process before the foundations of the earth was ever laid. We were in the process of God's planning stages, as he was imagining and developing his creation in his mind. We were there. He knew exactly who we would become before we ever came to our mothers womb and long before we would break forth from the womb of our mothers.

Jeremiah 1:5 

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

We were actually existed in the future through the process of God's planning. However, to get to the future, we have to go through the process of time, conception, pregnancy, birth, growing up and developing. 

Everything is a process. This also includes the process of salvation. We lost our place with God in heaven the very second that sin was found in the souls of Adam and Eve. Sin separated us from God. 

Sin is a process. 

It is now a part of the nature of who we are as human beings. We are going to rationalize and justify the sin in our lives. That is a process. From childhood through adulthood we will continually make bad decisions because of the sin nature of our souls. That is a process. Peoples freedoms are given to jails and prisons by a process. People choose to violate the law. People choose to disregard the instructions laid out according to the laws of our homes, our communities, our cities, counties, states and nations. Freedom isn't free. Freedom is a choice. Freedom comes from within the soul of mankind living in harmony with God. It is a commonwealth concession to live and cohabitate according to rules, laws, restrictions and self-control. There is a process to this.

Grace is also a process

Grace is the process of love. Grace is the character of God. Grace is who God is. Grace is forgiveness. Grace is the process through which we access; by the Holy Spirit; knowledge of Jesus. This knowledge in turn leads us to the father. It is the process in salvation. It comes through hearing the word of God, The seed of faith is sewn into an ear to hear, it becomes a part of the heart, and over the process of of sewing, watering and harvesting. God ultimately wins peoples hearts through the acts of grace and his word. Salvation comes to anyone that will call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. You cannot call on the name that you have never heard. Jesus is the name by which a man can be saved and the only name by which a man must be saved. It is a process.

Your life may not be where you want it to be today. But if you will stay in the process, if you will allow the process of God's word to penetrate your heart, the process of the word will work for you. You may not like the process you're in today, but the only choice you have is to go through it.  You cannot save yourself, none can but Jesus. You can call on every name you know, and they may or may not be able to assist you in your process, but the truth in the matter of your facts is assistance is not salvation.         God will keep you in the process of sparing your life for the sake of saving your soul.

You must activate the process of salvation. If you have never called on Jesus to be Saviour and and asked him to save your soul; I want to invite you now to do just that. If you're reading this letter; you are in a process that God is using to lead you to your salvation. If you call on his name, he will answer. I'm going to write this prayer and I will be saying it out loud as I write it. You read it out loud from the heart and ask God to come into your heart and I assure you he will not leave you without responding.

God in heaven, I need you. God in heaven I know there's more to me than just me. I know that there is more to know and I want to know more. Jesus, as I have heard your name I call out the name of Jesus.  I ask that you come into my life, come into my heart and set up residence. Live and abide in me! Give me a new life. Forgive me as I am a sinner. I acknowledge my sin before you. I acknowledge I am lost without you. Lord Jesus come into my soul, write my name in the book of life. Do with me what you will, do with my life what you will. In Jesus name I accept you as my Saviour and I make you my Lord.

In the name of Jesus


If you read this and it did anything to assist you please communicate with me. If you accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour please communicate with me via this email or chat in the name of Jesus I bless you.

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